
Jun 7, 2012

A Comment on the NY Jewish Week's "Conservative Movement: Yes Gay Marriage, No Shabbat Tech" (June 5, 2002)

A Comment on the NY Jewish Week's "Conservative Movement: Yes Gay Marriage, No Shabbat Tech" (June 5, 2002)
Rabbi Menachem Creditor

Those who see the nuance of Modern Jewish Law as inauthentic are missing the grandeur embodied in Conservative/Masorti Judaism, not to mention the pervasive nuance and case-law approach found in most codes of Jewish Law. The outliers are those who read flexibility out of Judaism. To paraphrase/conflate Emanuel Levinas z"l & Rabbi Elie Spitz: what makes Torah (aka, the unfolding narrative of the Jewish People) holy is neither its origin nor its form but rather its infinite potential. 

Rabbi Menachem Creditor
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